Our Mission
The BioCollective aims to accelerate microbiome research by supporting robust, reproducible, and reliable results that allow the field to realize its full potential for life-saving discoveries.
We started out with one citizen scientist determined to help heal her husband, but quickly expanded to a full team of research scientists and impassioned contributors.
Our History

The BioCollective joins the “National Microbiome Initiative”
and presents at The White House.
The BioCollector™ is awarded a design patent for being the first whole stool collection device that makes collection easier and simpler.
The fecal sample bank and its associated metagenomic data continues to grow, spanning a variety of cohorts.
In 2015 The BioCollective was founded.
The initiative was then, as it is now, to focus on the microbiome as a map to health and disease prevention and correction through quality fecal samples and data.
The BioCollective begins to collect and develop homogenization methods for whole stool samples, which has never been done before and build a data set of metagenomic “shotgun” sequencing to produce quality microbiome data.
TEDx Boulder
Martha presents at TEDx Boulder.
BioFlux™, the first proprietary metabolic and enzymatic model based on metagenomic sequencing of the microbiome, is complete.
The first functional probiotic to alter gut sugar metabolism, Sugar Buster (now Sugar Shift), is designed using BioFlux.
The BioCollective is tapped by DNANexus and Janssen Pharmaceuticals to develop a homogenized whole stool fecal reference sample for their Mosaic™ Standards Challenge.
The BioCollective joins the Advisory Board of the Microbiota Vault.
The BioCollective develops IBD epithelial gut response predictive module for BioFlux™ for product evalution for Church and Dwight.
The Biocollective receives a $1.2 million SBIR fast-track grant from Nationonal Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) to develop microibome standards. TruMatrix™ begins development and expands relationsonship with NIST and Zymo Research.
TruMatrix launches microbiome reference samples in partnership with Zymo Research, a huge step forward in establishing standards for microbiome research.


The Vision
16 years later, John is beating the odds, boxing, cycling, ice-climbing, and leading Parkinson’s support groups. The BioCollective is here to help others the way it has helped John.
When Martha Carlin’s husband, John, was diagnosed with early-onset Parkinson’s Disease in 2002, she had no time to wait and hope for a cure. She began engaging with researchers and experts –and everything she found pointed to the gut microbiome, the ‘invisible organ’ that’s sometimes called the second brain. Because the microbiome is a complex system, something Martha knew about from her auditing days, she pulled together a team that could connect the dots in revolutionary ways. From there, The BioCollective was born.
The BioCollective team is driven to access the microbiome to fuel innovative health solutions. This team developed ways to easily and comprehensively collect samples from a variety of cohorts and to analyze those samples for high quality metagenomic and metabolomic data. With their robust sample bank and data sets, patterns emerged, which lead to the BioFlux model for targeted product development.